Whenever I enter text on my Android phone, there is also a microphone icon. I didn't even try it at first because previous speech-to-text products I've tried were not worth the effort.
To my surprise, Android 2.1's speech-to-text works well enough to be useful, and is even kinda fun and impressive.
I even use it to show off my what my new phone can do.
Naturally, it works better if you speak clearly and not too fast. With a little practice, you get better at it. You can only enter five or six words at a time, but that probably helps keep the accuracy high.
Sometimes it captures the text exactly right, other times you have to fix a word or two. But, it might be the fastest way to enter text!
Here's a 3 minute video showing Android Speech-to-text on the Nexus One.
On Saturday at the beach, I realized the speech-to-text feature requires a network connection back to Google, and it may be slow or unusable when you don't have a good data connection.