I would die without the information in my old Palm organizer. Phone numbers for all the friends and family I want to keep in touch with. Email addresses for colleagues and companies. Websites. Notes. Everything I need to remember.
One of the reasons for getting a "smart phone" is to move all that info into my phone so I've got one less thing to carry. As an added benefit, the info will also be sync'd with gmail contacts so - shudder - if the phone is ever lost or destroyed, my info will be safe.
But how to do it? Before shoveling all my data into the phone, I wanted to get it syncing with gmail. I googled around looking for what I needed to run to make that sync happen, and I couldn't find anything.
Reason: I didn't have to do anything. Eventually I realized I just needed to check "Settings" "Accounts & Sync". Sure enough, "People" on my phone and "Contacts" on gmail were already automatically syncing without me having to do anything. The nice folks at the Sprint store probably set that up for me, and probably told me, along with a million other things.
Next, how to get the info out of the Palm organizer and into the phone? I was worried I would spend days manually copying because I'm running very old Palm software that isn't supported anymore.
Fortunately, more googling indicated that I could import a vCard into gmail's contacts. My old Palm desktop software could export contacts as a vCard! Then, I went to gmail and did the import. It happened so fast, I wasn't sure it worked. But gmail told me: "870 contacts imported".
A couple minutes later, I checked my phone and the contacts were already there. (It was only 160K of data.)
So easy. So painless.
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